Saturday, February 26, 2011

Civil Engineering E-Book Collection | Free Here

E-Book Teknik Sipil

1. Project Planning and Control 4th Edition
By. Albert Lester

Publisher: Butterworth & Co Publishers. - 2003.

2. Project Management For Engineering and Construction 2nd Edition

By. Garold D. Oberlender, Ph.D., P.E

Publisher: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. - 2000.

3. Project Management - A Systems Approach 10th Edition


Publisher : JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. - 2009.

4. Guide to Project Management

By. Frank Heyworth

Publisher: Council of Europe Publishing. - 2002.

5. Construction Project Management Handbook

By. Federal Transit Administration

6. Effective Software Project Management

By. Robert K. Wysocki

Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc. - 2006.

7. Fundamental of Project Management


Publisher: AMACOM. - 2007.

8. Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

By. Tyler G. Hicks

Publisher: The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. - 2000.

9. Practical Project Management

By. Harvey A. Levine

Publisher: JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. - 2002.

10. Structural Steel Designer Handbook
By. Roger L Brockenbrough Frederick S. Merritt
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional

Structural and Stress Analysis
By. T. H. G. Megson

12. A Uncertainty Civil Engineering
By. Wolfgang Fellin
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York

13. Effective_Project_Management._3rd_edition._2003


15. Project_Management_Fundamentals__Ed3

16. The.Complete.Idiot_s.Guide.Project.Management.pdf

17. 75 Free Questions for Project Management
By Oliver F Lehmann

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What happen with Google Adsense | Error login

Maybe this is the right question is what's wrong with google adsense, which is currently very much to lose your Adsense account, only one problem, when trying to enter adsense account failed, password and email do not match, almost all th
e way has been performed including complained to admin google adsense, like finding a dead end.

What's wrong with the giant google ptc, which has paid hundreds of thousands of publishers ads on websites or blogs around the world. I may not be the first to lose access into my adsense account, even email me at adsense also disappeared, can not accessed again. You may see adsense ads on my blog, but it's like a ship ghost, when we try to go we can not help. In fact, the google adsense manager directed to the forum, which just means a dead end ... see the link : Google Adsense Help

Where google adsense manager threw the responsibility to resolve problems to the forum adsense help .. and below each answer from the forum are experiencing the same problem written sentence:

it took weeks or even m
onths waiting for the answer, but whether the issue resolved, unfortunately the answer is no. See picture below:

does not help at all.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Antivirus Indonesia created by middle school children | Artav Antivirus

the polemics about antivirus artav made by Ival, a middle school children from bandung Indonesia, this happens because the programmers antivirus maker is claiming to make your own without the help of anyone.
However the then proved that no pure Ival make Artav antivirus, but some source code use of open source antivirus Another local named Al Antivirus. In the end Ival own initiative to apologize and ask permission to the owner as well as source code from the language of visual basic 6.0, Mr Shodiqin property, the local antivirus maker from Indonesia, namely Al Antivirus.
Another issue regarding the error detection by antivirus antivirus abroad against Artav was quickly fixed by Ival, along with simplification of the features in previous versions such as the lack of functioning or some people regard as a display only. But on the bright side is that all the problems faced by ival can be overcome with the release of Artav Antivirus version 2.6.
Congratulations for Ival, go ahead and do not get discouraged. Suppose the events that have occurred as a lesson for the future better.

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